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Ingin mendapatkan kripto gratis dari situs faucet? Simak daftar situs faucet terpercaya dan legit yang bisa menghasilkan uang untuk Anda.

Sebuah crypto faucet memungkinkan pengguna mendapatkan hadiah crypto kecil dengan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas sederhana. Cek situs-situs terbaik disini untuk menghasilkan crypto. Temukan yang paling cocok untukmu di PTC dan faucet. Mulai dapatkan crypto gratis sekarang!

Viefaucet.com Homepage Viefaucet.com
Minimal: 500 Token
Firefaucet.win Homepage Firefaucet.win
Minimal: 250k ACP
Faucetcrypto.com Homepage Faucetcrypto.com
Minimal: 1000 Coins
Adbtc.top Homepage Adbtc.top
Minimal: 500 Satoshis
Earnbitmoon.club Homepage Earnbitmoon.club
Minimal: 2000 Token
Coinpayu.com Homepage Coinpayu.com
Minimal: 860 Points
Viefaucet.com Homepage
Viefaucet.comRatings :
Features :
  1. 5 Minutes Faucet
  2. PTC Ads / Video Ads Click
  3. Shortlinks
  4. Offerwalls & Surveys
  5. Challenges
  6. Daily Bonus
Wallets :
  1. Cwallet
  2. Faucetpay
Withdrawal :
  1. 500 Tokens ($0.005)
Currencies :
  1. Crypto Coins
Firefaucet.win Homepage
Firefaucet.winRatings :
Features :
  1. 30 Minutes Faucet
  2. PTC Ads Click
  3. Shortlinks
  4. Offerwalls & Surveys
  5. Challenges / Tasks
  6. Daily Bonus
Wallets :
  1. All You can use Exchanges, Mobile or Desktop Wallet
  2. Faucetpay
Withdrawal :
  1. $2.5 - $5
Currencies :
  1. Crypto Coins
Faucetcrypto.com Homepage
Faucetcrypto.comRatings :
Features :
  1. 20 Minutes Faucet
  2. PTC Ads Click
  3. Shortlinks
  4. Offerwalls & Surveys
  5. Challenges / Tasks
  6. Daily Bonus
Wallets :
  1. All You can use Exchanges, Mobile or Desktop Wallet
Withdrawal :
  1. 1500 Coins ($0.05)
Currencies :
  1. Crypto Coins
Adbtc.top Homepage
Adbtc.topRatings :
Features :
  1. PTC Ads Click
  2. Shortlinks
Withdrawal :
  1. 500 Satoshis
  2. 5 Ruble (₽)
Wallets :
  1. Bitcoin Wallet BTC or WBTC (Polygon)
  2. Faucetpay
  3. Payeer
Currencies :
  1. Crypto (₿) & Ruble (₽)


About the Author

Blog KriptoGratisIndo adalah sumber terkini untuk meraih koin kripto tanpa modal. Jelajahi dunia kripto dengan tips seru dan trik menguntungkan. Koin kripto gratis? Hanya di sini! #KriptoGratisIndo

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